Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2018; 33(2): 571-580
Online first article January 11, 2018 Printed April 30, 2018
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Uday Chand De, Pradip Majhi, Sahanous Mallick
Kolkata 700019, Kolkata 700019, P.O.-Chakdaha, Dist-Nadia
The object of the present paper is to prove the non-existence of pseudo projective Ricci symmetric spacetimes $(PWRS)_{4}$ with different types of energy momentum tensor. We also discuss whether a fluid $(PWRS)_{4}$ spacetime with the basic vector field as the velocity vector field of the fluid can admit heat flux. Next we consider perfect fluid and dust fluid $(PWRS)_{4}$ spacetimes respectively. Finally we construct an example of a $(PWRS)_{4}$ spacetime.
Keywords: perfect fluid spacetime, Einstein's field equation, energy momentum tensor, covariant constant energy-momentum tensor
MSC numbers: 53B30, 53C50, 53C80
2023; 38(1): 235-242
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