Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024

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The following are papers that have received final approval and are awaiting to be published. They are listed in the order of their initial submission date.
Papers are published in the order of their initial submission date and will be made available under “Current Issue” once scheduled to be included in a print issue.

Note: Please understand the below list is not in the exact publishing order of the papers as the list does not include papers under internal reviewing process nor those that have not been galley proofed by the authors.

Final published versions of all papers are available under “All Issues” and also under “Current Issue” for papers included in the current issue.

* Paper information have been automatically generated from the information submitted by authors in the online submission system.
  • Online first article January 15, 2025

    Value sharing and uniqueness of certain classes of meromorphic functions

    Samar Halder and Pulak Sahoo

    Abstract : We study the uniqueness problem of two different classes of meromorphic functions sharing two distinct values. Our results extend and complement the result of Li \cite{11}, and at the same time improve and generalize results due to Hao and Chen \cite{6}, and Wu and Hu \cite{15}. Another result in this paper, besides finding a possible answer to a question raised in \cite{1}, extends and complements a recent result of Banerjee and Kundu \cite{1} and that of Han \cite{6a}.

  • Online first article January 17, 2025

    Ricci solitons as Lightlike Hypersurfaces endowed with a concircular vector field

    Arfah Arfah and Gül TUĞ

    Abstract : In this study, we investigate some properties of the lightlike hypersurfaces endowed with a concircular vector field. We give some conditions related to them for being a Ricci soliton. Also, we give some equations related to such hypersurfaces in a $(n+2)$-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold with constant curvature. Lastly, we calculate the principal curvatures of a screen homothetic lightlike hypersurface which is also a Ricci soliton.

  • Online first article January 10, 2025

    A construction of wobbly divisors of nilpotency index greater than 2

    Insong Choe and George H. Hitching

    Abstract : For a smooth algebraic curve $C$, let $U_C(n, d)$ be the moduli space of semistable bundles over $C$ of rank $n$ and degree $d$. A vector bundle $V$ in $U_C(n,d)$ is called \textit{wobbly} if there is a nonzero nilpotent $K_C$-valued endomorphism $\phi: V \to V \otimes K_C$. Drinfeld's conjecture predicts that the wobbly locus has pure codimension one. This has been proven for $n=2$, for which case the involved endomorphisms have nilpotency index 2. In this paper, we construct irreducible wobbly components of codimension 1 and nilpotency index greater than 2, under a certain numerical condition on $n$ and $d$.

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  • Online first article October 21, 2024

    An extension of a normality criterion leading to a counterexample to the converse of Bloch's principle

    Nikhil Bharti and Kuldeep Singh Charak

    Abstract : In this paper, a criterion for normality of a family of meromorphic functions involving differential polynomials is obtained which generalizes a result of Deng et al (J. Aust. Math. Soc. 91(2011), 313-322). As a consequence, a counterexample to the converse of Bloch's principle is also obtained. In addition, we prove some normality criterion generalizing a result of Chen et al (Acta Math. Sci. 36(2016), 87-93). Wherever possible, examples are provided to demonstrate sharpness of results.

  • Online first article October 21, 2024

    On weakly quasi-$S$-primary ideals

    Samir Guesmi

    Abstract : This article introduces the concept of weakly quasi-$S$-primary ideals, which generalize both weakly $S$-primary and quasi-$S$-primary ideals. We define an ideal $P$ of a ring $R$ to be weakly quasi-$S$-primary if there exists $s \in S$ such that, for all $x, y \in R$, if $0 \neq xy \in P$, then either $sx \in \sqrt{P}$ or $sy \in \sqrt{P}$. We investigate various properties and characterizations of weakly quasi-$S$-primary ideals, and provide numerous examples and counterexamples. We also study the behavior of these ideals under homomorphisms, in rings of fractions, in idealizations, and in amalgamated rings.

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  • Online first article January 15, 2025

    A Class of Eulerian Integrals involving Generalized Hypergeometric Functions with Applications


    Abstract : In this paper, we aim at evaluating a general class of Eulerian integrals involving Aleph($\aleph$) function and $I$-function. Further special cases are considered as applications of our derived main results.

  • Online first article January 15, 2025

    Linear maps which are $‎\theta‎‎‎$‎-centralizers at zero or identity products

    Abbas zivari-kazempour

    Abstract : ‎Let $A$ be a unital Banach algebra and ‎$‎\theta‎: ‎A\longrightarrow A$ ‎be a‎ ‎homomorphism.‎ In this paper, we study linear maps $T‎: ‎A\longrightarrow A$ which are $‎\theta‎‎‎$‎-centralizers at zero or identity products,‎ and under special hypotheses w‎e show that every such linear map is a $‎\theta‎‎‎$‎-centralizer. ‎ Zero and identity Jordan products preservers, and a more restrictive version of them are also discussed.

  • Online first article January 17, 2025

    On dispersive quantization and fractalization for the Kawahara equation

    Seongyeon Kim

    Abstract : In this paper, we investigate the dichotomous behavior of solutions to the Kawahara equation with bounded variation initial data, analogous to the Talbot effect. Specifically, we observe that the solution is quantized at rational times, whereas at irrational times, it is a nowhere continuous differentiable function with a fractal profile. This phenomenon, however, has not been explored for the Kawahara equation, which is a fifth-order KdV type equation. To achieve this, we derive smoothing estimates for the nonlinear Duhamel solution, which, when combined with the known results on the linear solution, provides a mathematical description of the Talbot effect.

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  • Online first article January 16, 2025

    Variational inequality problem with hyperbolic scalars

    Amjad Ali, Romesh Kumar, and Aditi Sharma

    Abstract : In this paper, we initiate the study of variational inequalities with hyperbolic scalars. We study some basic properties of variational inequalities and hyperbolic version of Lax-Milgram theorem for D-Hilbert spaces.

  • Online first article January 21, 2025


    Abdelkarim Boua

    Abstract : In this paper, we study new differential identities of 3-prime near-rings associated with derivations. Our paper extends some identities already cited in the literature, and draws inspiration from important sources such as [1], [10]. Furthermore, examples are given to prove that the restrictions imposed on the hypotheses of the various theorems were necessary and not just a formality.

  • Online first article January 16, 2025

    A study on certain classes of multivalent analytic functions with fixed second coefficients

    Fayzah Awad Alshehri, Abeer O. Badghaish, Amani Z. Bajamal, and Abdel Moneim Y. Lashin

    Abstract : Our article examines some argument properties of two new subclasses of multivalent analytic functions in the open unit disc. Some of our results are new and generalize and refine the related works of many authors.

  • Online first article January 13, 2025

    Dual Hilbert coefficient and Width of the dual fiber cone relative to an Artinian module.

    Ton That Quoc Tan

    Abstract : Let $(R,\frak{m})$ be a quasi-local ring and $M$ be a co-Cohen-Macaulay Artinian $R$-module with $Ndim M = d > 0$. Suppose $I$ is an ideal of $R$ such that $\lambda(0:_M I) < \infty$. In this paper, we establish formulas for the first dual Hilbert coefficient $g'_1(I,M)$, under the assumption the width of the dual fiber cone ${\mathcal{F}'}(I,M)$ at least $d-1$.

  • Online first article January 17, 2025

    Derivations acting on symmetric elements with central values

    Hiba Fihi, Abdellah MAMOUNI, and Khalid Ouarghi

    Abstract : Our purpose in this paper is to prove that the set of hermitian elements, defined by commutativity conditions involving derivations over prime rings with involution ∗, are either central elements or their square are central elements. Furthermore, we can find the same results for the set of skewhermitian elements.

  • Online first article January 16, 2025

    Derivations on Distributive Bilattices

    Mohammad Atallah and Eman Ghareeb Rezk

    Abstract : In this paper, a derivation is defined on a reduct or two reducts of a distributive bilattice, with and without a relationship between derivationson reducts. Concept of differential distributive bilattice is introduced. The algebraic structure and properties are investigated. Characterization and Construction theorems are proved.

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October, 2024
Vol.39 No.4

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