Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2007; 22(2): 219-225

Printed June 1, 2007

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Some Identities Involving the Legendre's Chi-Function

Junesang Choi

Dongguk University


Since the time of Euler, the dilogarithm and polylogarithm functions have been studied by many mathematicians who used various notations for the dilogarithm function ${\text {Li}}_2(z)$. These functions are related to many other mathematical functions and have a variety of application. The main objective of this paper is to present corrected versions of two equivalent factorization formulas involving the Legendre's Chi-function $\chi_2$ and an evaluation of a class of integrals which is useful to evaluate some integrals associated with the dilogarithm function.

Keywords: dilogarithm function, polylogarithm function, Legendre's chi-function, gamma function, Riemann Zeta function, Euler-Mascheroni's constant

MSC numbers: Primary 33E20; Secondary 11M41