Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2011; 26(1): 1-12

Printed March 1, 2011

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Abundant semigroups with quasi-ideal $S$-adequate transversals

Xiangjun Kong and Pei Wang

Lanzhou University, Qufu Normal University


In this paper, the connection of the inverse transversal with the adequate transversal is explored. It is proved that if $S$ is an abundant semigroup with an adequate transversal $S^o$, then $S$ is regular if and only if $S^o$ is an inverse semigroup. It is also shown that adequate transversals of a regular semigroup are just its inverse transversals. By means of a quasi-adequate semigroup and a right normal band, we construct an abundant semigroup containing a quasi-ideal $S$-adequate transversal and conversely, every such a semigroup can be constructed in this manner. It is simpler than the construction of Guo and Shum [9] through an $SQ$-system and the construction of El-Qallali [5] by $W(E, S)$.

Keywords: abundant semigroup, quasi-adequate semigroup, $S$-adequate transversal, quasi-ideal

MSC numbers: 20M10