Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2009; 24(2): 265-275

Printed June 1, 2009

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

On 3-dimensional normal almost contact metric manifolds satisfying certain curvature conditions

Uday Chand De and Abul Kalam Mondal

University of Kalyani and DumDum Subhasnagar High School


The object of the present paper is to study 3-dimensional normal almost contact metric manifolds satisfying certain curvature conditions. Among others it is proved that a parallel symmetric $(0,2)$ tensor field in a 3-dimensional non-cosympletic normal almost contact metric manifold is a constant multiple of the associated metric tensor and there does not exist a non-zero parallel $2$-form. Also we obtain some equivalent conditions on a 3-dimensional normal almost contact metric manifold and we prove that if a 3-dimensional normal almost contact metric manifold which is not a $\beta $-Sasakian manifold satisfies cyclic parallel Ricci tensor, then the manifold is a manifold of constant curvature. Finally we prove the existence of such a manifold by a concrete example.

Keywords: normal almost contact metric manifolds, non-cosympletic, cyclic parallel Ricci tensor, Einstein manifold

MSC numbers: 53C15, 53C40