Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 38(1): 205-221

Online first article December 7, 2022      Printed January 31, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Conformal hemi-slant submersions from cosymplectic manifolds

Vinay Kumar, Rajendra Prasad, Sandeep Kumar Verma

University of Lucknow; University of Lucknow; University of Lucknow


The main goal of the paper is the introduction of the notion of conformal hemi-slant submersions from almost contact metric manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds. It is a generalization of conformal anti-invariant submersions, conformal semi-invariant submersions and conformal slant submersions. Our main focus is conformal hemi-slant submersion from cosymplectic manifolds. We tend also study the integrability of the distributions involved in the definition of the submersions and the geometry of their leaves. Moreover, we get necessary and sufficient conditions for these submersions to be totally geodesic, and provide some representative examples of conformal hemi-slant submersions.

Keywords: Cosymplectic manifold, hemi-slant submersion, conformal hemi-slant submersion

MSC numbers: Primary 53C15, 53C40, 53C42, 53C25