Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024

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The following are papers that have received final approval and are awaiting to be published. They are listed in the order of their initial submission date.
Papers are published in the order of their initial submission date and will be made available under “Current Issue” once scheduled to be included in a print issue.

Note: Please understand the below list is not in the exact publishing order of the papers as the list does not include papers under internal reviewing process nor those that have not been galley proofed by the authors.

Final published versions of all papers are available under “All Issues” and also under “Current Issue” for papers included in the current issue.

* Paper information have been automatically generated from the information submitted by authors in the online submission system.
  • Online first article April 19, 2024


    Mosbah Kaddour, Farid Messelmi, and Saf Salim

    Abstract : The main goal of this work is to study an initial boundary value problem relating to the unsteady flow of a rigid, viscoplastic, and incompressible Bingham fluid in an elastic bounded domain of R2. By using the approximation sequences of the Faedo-Galerkin method together with the regularization techniques, we obtain the results of the existence and uniqueness of local solutions.

  • Online first article April 11, 2024

    On the convergence of Ishikawa iteration with errors for real continuous functions

    Kittithat Boonpot and Satit Saejung

    Abstract : We point out an error appeared in the paper of Yuan et al. [Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 26 (2011), no. 2, 229-235] and present a correction of their result under a more general assumption. Moreover, we discuss the validity of the conditions imposed on the sequences of error terms.

  • Online first article April 24, 2024

    On a special class of matrix rings

    Arnab Bhattacharjee

    Abstract : In this paper, we continue to explore an idea presented in [Proc. Math. Sci. 130 (2020), 12] and introduce a new class of matrix rings called staircase matrix rings which has applications in noncommutative ring theory. We show that these rings preserve the notions of reduced, symmetric, reversible, IFP, reflexive, abelian rings etc.

  • Online first article April 23, 2024

    A survey of lengths of linear groups with respect to certain generating sets

    Nguyen Thi Thai Ha

    Abstract : This paper, we summary and present results on involution lengths and commutator lengths of certain linear groups such as special linear groups, projective linear groups, upper triangle linear groups and Vershik-Kerov groups. Some open problems motivated by these results are also proposed.

  • Online first article April 23, 2024

    Geometric Properties of Starlikeness Involving Cosine Hyperbolic Function

    Om P. Ahuja, Asena Çetinkaya, and Sushil Kumar

    Abstract : In this paper, we investigate some geometric properties of starlikeness connected with the cosine hyperbolic functions defined in the open unit disk. In particular, for the class of such starlike cosine hyperbolic functions, we determine the lower bounds of partial sums, Briot-Bouquet differential subordination associated with Bernardi integral operator, and bounds on some third Hankel determinants containing initial coefficients.

  • Online first article April 23, 2024

    Chooser options on various underlying options

    Wonjoong Kim and JINYOUNG LEE

    Abstract : We consider chooser options written on various underlying assets other than vanilla call and put options. Specifically, we deal with (i) the chooser option written on the power call and put options, and (ii) the chooser option written on the exchange options. We provide explicit formulas for the prices of these chooser options whose underlying assets are either power options or exchange options, rather than the vanilla call and put options.

  • Online first article April 11, 2024

    Parallel shrinking projection method for fixed point and generalized equilibrium problems on Hadamard manifold.


    Abstract : In this article, we propose a shrinking projection algorithm for solving a finite family of generalized equilibrium problem which is also a fixed point of a nonexpansive mapping in the setting of Hadamard manifolds. Under some mild conditions, we prove that the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm converges to a common solution of a finite family of generalized equilibrium problem and fixed point problem of a nonexpansive mapping. Lastly, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the performance of our iterative method. Our results extends and improve many related results on generalized equilibrium problem from linear spaces to Hadamard manifolds. The result discuss in this article extends and complements many related results in the literature.

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  • Online first article March 28, 2024

    Cohen-Macaulay dimension for complexes

    Fatemeh Mohammadi Aghjeh Mashhad

    Abstract : In this paper, we focus on the concept of Cohen-Macaulay dimension in order to extend it to the category of homologically finite complexes. We prove some various results, and as an interesting result we show that over a local ring (R,m), any homologically finite complex X of finite Cohen- Macaulay dimension has a finite CM-resolution which means that there is a bounded complex of finitely generated R-modules like G such that G is isomorphic with X, and each nonzero Gi has zero Cohen-Macaulay dimension.

  • Online first article April 2, 2024

    Some properties of critical point equations metrics on the statistical manifolds

    Hajar Ghahremani-Gol and Mohammad Amin Sedghi

    Abstract : The aim of this paper is to investigate some properties of the critical points equations on the statistical manifolds. We obtain some geometric equations on the statistical manifolds which admit critical point equations. We give a relation only between potential function and difference tensor for a CPE metric on the statistical manifolds to be Einstein.

  • Online first article April 19, 2024

    Utilizing Coupling Strategy to Generate a New Simple 7D Hyperchaotic System and its Circuit Application

    Saad Fawzi Al-Azzawi

    Abstract : By utilizing coupling strategy in the 5D Sprott B system, a new no equilibrium 7D hyperchaotic system is introduced. Despite the proposed system is simple with twelve-term including solely two cross product nonlinearities, it displays extremely rich dynamical features such as hidden attractors and the dissipative and conservative nature. Besides, this system has largest Kaplan-Yorke dimension compared with to the work available in the literature. The dynamical properties are fully investigated via Matlab 2021 software from several aspects of phase portraits, Lyapunov exponents, Kaplan-Yorke dimension, offset boosting and so on. Moreover, the corresponding circuit is done through Multisim 14.2 software and preform to verify the new 7D system. The numerical simulations wit carryout via both software are agreement which indicates the efficiency of the proposed system.

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  • Online first article March 28, 2024

    Riemannian submersions whose total manifold admits h-almost Ricci-Yamabe soliton

    Mehraj Ahmad Lone and Towseef Ali Wani

    Abstract : In this paper, we study Riemannian submersions whose total manifold admits h-almost Ricci-Yamabe soliton. We characterize the fibers of the submersion and see under what conditions the fibers form h-almost Ricci-Yamabe soliton. Moreover, we find the necessary condition for the base manifold to be an h-almost Ricci-Yamabe soliton and Einstein manifold. Later, we compute scalar curvature of the total manifold and using this we find the necessary condition for h-almost Yamabe solition to be shrinking, expanding and steady. At the end, we give a non-trivial example.

  • Online first article April 24, 2024

    On the number of equivalence classes of bi-partitions arising from the color change

    Byungchan Kim

    Abstract : We introduce a new class of bi-partition function $c_k(n)$, which counts the number of bi-color partitions of $n$ in which the second color only appears at the parts multiples of $k$. We consider two partitions to be the same if they can be obtained by switching the color of parts $\equiv 0 \pmod{k}$. We show that the generating function for $c_k(n)$ involves the partial theta function and obtain the following congruences: \begin{align*} c_2 (27n+26) &\equiv 0 \pmod{3} \\ \intertext{and} c_3 (4n + 2 ) &\equiv 0 \pmod{2}. \end{align*}

  • Online first article April 19, 2024

    Invariant null rigged hypersurfaces of indefinite nearly ${\alpha}$-Sasakian manifolds

    Mohamed H. A. Hamed and Fortune Massamba

    Abstract : We introduce invariant rigging null hypersurfaces of indefinite almost contact manifolds, by paying attention to those of indefinite nearly $\alpha$-Sasakian manifolds. We prove that, under some conditions, there exist leaves of the integrable screen distribution of the ambient manifolds admitting nearly $\alpha$-Sasakian structures.

  • Online first article April 24, 2024

    Study of quotient near-rings with additive maps

    Abdelkarim Boua, Abderrahmane Raji, and Abdelilah Zerbane

    Abstract : We consider N to be a 3-prime field and P to be a prime ideal of N. In this paper, we study the commutativity of the quotient ring N/P with left multipliers and derivations satisfying certain identities on P, generalizing some well-known results in the literature. Furthermore, an example is used to illustrate the necessity of our hypotheses.

  • Online first article April 25, 2024

    A new criterion for moment infinitely divisible weighted shifts

    Hong T. T. Trinh

    Abstract : In this paper we present the weighted shift operators having the property of moment infinite divisibility. We first review the monotone theory and conditionally positive definiteness. Next, we study the infinite divisibility of sequences. A sequence of real numbers $\gamma$ is said to be infinitely divisible if for any $p>0$, the sequence $\gamma^p = \{ \gamma_n^p \}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ is positive definite. It is also known that, a shift $W_{\alpha}$ is moment infinitely divisible if and only if the sequences $\{\gamma_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ and $\{\gamma_{n+1}\}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ of $W_{\alpha}$ are infinitely divisible. In this note, by using some properties of conditionally positive definiteness (CPD), we show that a shift $W_{\alpha}$ is moment infinitely divisible then a necessary and sufficient condition that the moment sequence $\{\gamma_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ of $W_{\alpha}$ is infinitely divisible (not necessarily both sequences $\{\gamma_n\}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ and $\{\gamma_{n+1}\}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ are ID). Finally, we consider some examples and properties of weighted shift operators having the property of $(k,0)$-CPD; that is, the moment matrix $M_{\gamma}(n,k)$ is CPD for any $n \ge 0$.

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  • Online first article April 19, 2024

    When every finitely generated regular ideal is finitely presented


    Abstract : In this paper, we introduce a weak version of coherent that we call regular coherent property. A ring is called regular coherent, if every finitey generated regular ideal is finitely presented. We investigate the stability of this property under localization and homomorphic image, and its transfer to various contexts of constructions such as trivial ring extensions, pullbacks and amalgamated. Our results generate examples which enrich the current literature with new and original families of rings that satisfy this property.

  • Online first article April 19, 2024

    Horadam Polynomials For a New Subclass of Sakaguchi-Type Bi-univalent Functions Defined by $(\mathtt{p},\mathtt{q})$-Derivative Operator

    Vanithakumari B, SARAVANAN G, Baskaran S, and Sibel Yalcin

    Abstract : In this paper, a new subclass, $\mathcal{SC}_{\sigma}^{\mu,\mathtt{p},\mathtt{q}}(\mathtt{r},\mathtt{s};x)$, of Sakaguchi-type analytic bi-univalent functions defined by $(\mathtt{p},\mathtt{q})$-derivative Operator using Horadam polynomials is constructed and investigated. The initial coefficient bounds for $|a_{2}|$ and $|a_{3}|$ are obtained. Fekete-Szeg\"{o} inequalities $|a_{3}-\kappa a^{2}_{2}|$ for the class are found. Finally we give some corollaries.

  • Online first article April 25, 2024

    A Generalization Of The Symmetry Property Of A Ring Via Its Endomorphism

    Fatma Kaynarca and H. Melis Tekin Akcin

    Abstract : Lambek introduced the concept of symmetric rings to expand the commutative ideal theory to noncommutative rings. In this study, we propose an extension of symmetric rings called strongly $\alpha$-symmetric rings, which serves as both a generalization of strongly symmetric rings and an extension of symmetric rings. We define a ring $R$ as strongly $\alpha$-symmetric if the skew polynomial ring $R[x;\alpha]$ is symmetric. Consequently, we provide proofs for previously established outcomes regarding symmetric and strongly symmetric rings, directly derived from the results we have obtained. Furthermore, we explore various properties and extensions of strongly $\alpha$-symmetric rings.

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Vol.39 No.1

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