Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 38(4): 1299-1307
Online first article October 16, 2023 Printed October 31, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Mir Aaliya, Sanjay Mishra
Lovely Professional University; Lovely Professional University
In this paper, we attempt to study several topological properties for the function space ${H(X)}$, space of self-homeomorphisms on a metric space endowed with the regular topology. We investigate its metrizability and countability and prove their coincidence at $X$ compact. Furthermore, we prove that the space ${H(X)}$ endowed with the regular topology is a topological group when $X$ is a metric, almost $P$-space. Moreover, we prove that the homeomorphism spaces of increasing and decreasing functions on $\mathbb R$ under regular topology are open subspaces of $H(\mathbb R)$ and are homeomorphic.
Keywords: Function space, regular topology, fine topology, metric space, homeomorphisms
MSC numbers: Primary 54C35, 54D99, 54D30, 54E35, 54H11
2019; 34(4): 1201-1222
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