Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 38(3): 865-880

Online first article July 24, 2023      Printed July 31, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

$\star$-conformal Ricci solitons on almost coK\"{a}hler manifolds

Tarak Mandal, Avijit Sarkar

University of Kalyani; University of Kalyani


The main intention of the current paper is to characterize certain properties of $\star$-conformal Ricci solitons on non-coK\"ahler $(\kappa,\mu)$-almost coK\"{a}hler manifolds. At first, we find that there does not exist $\star$-conformal Ricci soliton if the potential vector field is the Reeb vector field $\theta$. We also prove that the non-coK\"ahler $(\kappa,\mu)$-almost coK\"ahler manifolds admit $\star$-conformal Ricci solitons if the potential vector field is the infinitesimal contact transformation. It is also studied that there does not exist $\star$-conformal gradient Ricci solitons on the said manifolds. An example has been constructed to verify the obtained results.

Keywords: Almost coK"{a}hler manifolds, $(kappa,mu)$-nullity distribution, infinitesimal contact transformation, $star$-Ricci tensors, Ricci solitons, conformal Ricci solitons

MSC numbers: Primary 53C15, 53D25

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