Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 38(2): 389-400
Online first article April 6, 2023 Printed April 30, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
B\"{u}lent Nafi \"{O}rnek
Amasya University
In this paper, some estimations will be given for the analytic functions belonging to the class $\mathcal{R}\left( \alpha \right) $. In these estimations, an upper bound and a lower bound will be determined for the first coefficient of the expansion of the analytic function $h(z)$ and the modulus of the angular derivative of the function $\frac{zh^{\prime }(z)}{ h(z)}$, respectively. Also, the relationship between the coefficients of the analytical function $h(z)$ and the derivative mentioned above will be shown.
Keywords: Analytic function, Schwarz lemma on the boundary, angular limit
MSC numbers: Primary 30C80
2024; 39(3): 657-671
2022; 37(3): 723-734
2022; 37(1): 113-123
2020; 35(1): 201-215
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