Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2018; 33(4): 1341-1356

Online first article July 6, 2018      Printed October 31, 2018

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Soft somewhere dense sets on soft topological spaces

Tareq M. Al-shami

Sana'a University


The author devotes this paper to defining a new class of generalized soft open sets, namely soft somewhere dense sets and to investigating its main features. With the help of examples, we illustrate the relationships between soft somewhere dense sets and some celebrated generalizations of soft open sets, and point out that the soft somewhere dense subsets of a soft hyperconnected space coincide with the non-null soft $\beta$-open sets. Also, we give an equivalent condition for the soft $cs$-dense sets and verify that every soft set is soft somewhere dense or soft $cs$-dense. We show that a collection of all soft somewhere dense subsets of a strongly soft hyperconnected space forms a soft filter on the universe set, and this collection with a non-null soft set form a soft topology on the universe set as well. Moreover, we derive some important results such as the property of being a soft somewhere dense set is a soft topological property and the finite product of soft somewhere dense sets is soft somewhere dense. In the end, we point out that the number of soft somewhere dense subsets of infinite soft topological space is infinite, and we present some results which associate soft somewhere dense sets with some soft topological concepts such as soft compact spaces and soft subspaces.

Keywords: soft somewhere dense set, strongly soft hyperconnected space and soft product space

MSC numbers: 54A05, 54A99, 54B05, 54B10

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