Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2018; 33(2): 379-395

Online first article April 11, 2018      Printed April 30, 2018

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

The total graph of non-zero annihilating ideals of a commutative ring

Abolfazl Alibemani, Ebrahim Hashemi

Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood University of Technology


Assume that $R$ is a commutative ring with non-zero identity which is not an integral domain. An ideal $I$ of $R$ is called an annihilating ideal if there exists a non-zero element $a\in R$ such that $Ia=0$. S. Visweswaran and H. D. Patel associated a graph with the set of all non-zero annihilating ideals of $R$, denoted by $\Omega(R)$, as the graph with the vertex-set $\mathrm{A}(R)^*$, the set of all non-zero annihilating ideals of $R$, and two distinct vertices $I$ and $J$ are adjacent if $I+J$ is an annihilating ideal. In this paper, we study the relations between the diameters of $\Omega(R)$ and $\Omega(R[x])$. Also, we study the relations between the diameters of $\Omega(R)$ and $\Omega(R[[x]])$, whenever $R$ is a Noetherian ring. In addition, we investigate the relations between the diameters of this graph and the zero-divisor graph. Moreover, we study some combinatorial properties of $\Omega(R)$ such as domination number and independence number. Furthermore, we study the complement of this graph.

Keywords: annihilating ideal, diameter, reduced ring

MSC numbers: 13A99, 05C75, 05C69