Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024

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  • 2023-01-31

    On covering and quotient maps for $\mathcal{I}^{\mathcal{K}}$-convergence in topological spaces

    Debajit Hazarika, Ankur Sharmah

    Abstract : In this article, we show that the family of all $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-open subsets in a topological space forms a topology if $\mathcal{K}$ is a maximal ideal. We introduce the notion of $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-covering map and investigate some basic properties. The notion of quotient map is studied in the context of $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-convergence and the relationship between $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-continuity and $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-quotient map is established. We show that for a maximal ideal $\mathcal{K}$, the properties of continuity and preserving $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-convergence of a function defined on $X$ coincide if and only if $X$ is an $\mathcal{I}^\mathcal{K}$-sequential space.

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  • 2023-01-31

    The $u$-$S$-weak global dimensions of commutative rings

    Xiaolei Zhang

    Abstract : In this paper, we introduce and study the $u$-$S$-weak global dimension $u$-$S$$(R)$ of a commutative ring $R$ for some multiplicative subset $S$ of $R$. Moreover, the $u$-$S$-weak global dimensions of factor rings and polynomial rings are investigated.

  • 2023-10-31

    Circular spectrum and asymptotic periodic solutions to a class of non-densely defined evolution equations

    Le Anh Minh, Nguyen Ngoc Vien

    Abstract : In this paper, for the bounded solution of the non-densely defined non-autonomous evolution equation, we present the condition for asymptotic periodicity by using the circular spectral theory of functions on the half line and the extrapolation theory of non-densely defined evolution equation.

  • 2023-04-30

    H-quasi-hemi-slant submersions

    Sumeet Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Rajendra Prasad, Aysel Turgut Vanli

    Abstract : In this paper, h-quasi-hemi-slant submersions and almost h-quasi-hemi-slant submersions from almost quaternionic Hermitian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds are introduced. Fundamental results on h-quasi-hemi-slant submersions: the integrability of distributions, geometry of foliations and the conditions for such submersions to be totally geodesic are investigated. Moreover, some non-trivial examples of the h-quasi-hemi-slant submersion are constructed.

  • 2023-04-30

    On sharp general coefficient estimates for $\vartheta$-spirallike functions

    \c{S}ahsene Altinkaya, Tu\u{g}ba Yavuz

    Abstract : This paper attempts to investigate a new subfamily \linebreak $\mathcal{ST}_{\vartheta ,\sigma}\left( \alpha ,\beta ,\gamma ,\mu \right) $ of spirallike functions endowed with Mittag-Leffler and Wright functions. The paper further investigates sharp coefficient bounds for functions that belong to this class.

  • 2023-10-31

    On the rational cohomology of mapping spaces and their realization problem

    Abdelhadi Zaim

    Abstract : Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a map between simply connected CW-complexes of finite type with $X$ finite. In this paper, we prove that the rational cohomology of mapping spaces map$(X,Y;f)$ contains a polynomial algebra over a generator of degree $N$, where $ N= $ max$ \lbrace i, \pi_{i }(Y)\otimes \mathbb{Q}\neq 0 \rbrace$ is an even number. Moreover, we are interested in determining the rational homotopy type of map$\left( \mathbb{S}^{n}, \mathbb{C} P^{m};f\right) $ and we deduce its rational cohomology as a consequence. The paper ends with a brief discussion about the realization problem of mapping spaces.

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  • 2023-04-30

    Singular and Marcinkiewicz integral operators on product domains

    Badriya Al-Azri, Ahmad Al-Salman

    Abstract : In this paper, we prove $L^{p}$ estimates of a class of singular integral operators on product domains along surfaces defined by mappings that are more general than polynomials and convex functions. We assume that the kernels are in $L(\log L)^{2}(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\times \mathbb{S}^{m-1})$. Furthermore, we\ prove $L^{p}$ estimates of the related class of Marcinkiewicz integral operators. Our results extend as well as improve previously known results.

  • 2023-07-31

    Generalized $(C,r)$-Hankel operator and $(R,r)$-Hankel operator on general Hilbert spaces

    Jyoti Bhola, Bhawna Gupta

    Abstract : Hankel operators and their variants have abundant applications in numerous fields. For a non-zero complex number $r$, the $r$-Hankel operators on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ define a class of one such variant. This article introduces and explores some properties of two other variants of Hankel operators namely $k^{th}$-order $(C,r)$-Hankel operators and $k^{th}$-order $(R,r)$-Hankel operators $(k \geq 2)$ which are closely related to $r$-Hankel operators in such a way that a $k^{th}$-order $(C,r)$-Hankel matrix is formed from $r^k$-Hankel matrix on deleting every consecutive $(k-1)$ columns after the first column and a $k^{th}$-order $(R, r^k)$-Hankel matrix is formed from $r$-Hankel matrix if after the first column, every consecutive $(k-1)$ columns are deleted. For $|r| \neq 1$, the characterizations for the boundedness of these operators are also completely investigated. Finally, an appropriate approach is also presented to extend these matrices to two-way infinite matrices.

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  • 2023-04-30

    A note on statistical manifolds with torsion

    Hwajeong Kim

    Abstract : Given a linear connection $\nabla$ and its dual connection $\nabla^*$, we discuss the situation where $\nabla +\nabla^* = 0$. We also discuss statistical manifolds with torsion and give new examples of some type for linear connections inducing the statistical manifolds with non-zero torsion.

  • 2023-01-31

    Ricci $\rho$-soliton in a perfect fluid spacetime with a gradient vector field

    Dibakar Dey, Pradip Majhi

    Abstract : In this paper, we studied several geometrical aspects of a perfect fluid spacetime admitting a Ricci $\rho$-soliton and an $\eta$-Ricci $\rho$-soliton. Beside this, we consider the velocity vector of the perfect fluid space time as a gradient vector and obtain some Poisson equations satisfied by the potential function of the gradient solitons.

Current Issue

October, 2024
Vol.39 No.4

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