Communications of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1225-1763 ISSN(Online) 2234-3024



Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2021; 36(3): 515-526

Online first article July 5, 2021      Printed July 31, 2021

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Uniqueness of meromorphic function with its linear differential polynomial sharing two values

Abhijit Banerjee, Sayantan Maity

University of Kalyani; University of Kalyani


The paper has been devoted to study the uniqueness problem of meromorphic function and its linear differential polynomial sharing two values. We have pointed out gaps in one of the theorem due to \cite{chen18}. We have further extended the corrected form of Chen-Li-Li's result which in turn extend the an earlier result of \cite{sli13} in a large extent. In fact, we have subtly use the notion of weighted sharing of values in this particular section of literature which was unexplored till now. A handful number of examples have been provided by us pertinent to different discussions. Specially we have given an example to show that one condition in a theorem can not be dropped.

Keywords: Meromorphic function, linear differential polynomial, uniqueness, weighted sharing, derivative

MSC numbers: Primary 30D35

Supported by: The second author is thankful to Council of Scienti c and Industrial Research (India) for their
nancial support under File No: 09/106(0191)/2019-EMR-I.